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Declutter With The Power of One

The Klutter Koach

If you find decluttering difficult, consider the Power of One (a phrase I coined)


1️⃣ fridge magnet


1️⃣book or magazine

1️⃣thing under the bathroom sink that you don't use

By starting small, you begin exercising your decluttering muscles. 💪🏼

I'm in favor of doing more of a deep dive into a cabinet or drawer (and working one-on-one with clients who need the support) but for those reading this post and find the thought of that overwhelming, start with the Power of One.

A parable: There was once a rich miser who wouldn't give tzedaka (charity). It was suggested to ask anyway and ask for One Ruble.

The person to whom the advice was given questioned why just One Ruble. The advisor said wait and see.

So the petitioner rang the bell, pleaded his cause and requested One Ruble. The rich miser grudgingly gave the requested amount.

As the man was leaving, the rich man ran after him with handfuls of rubles.

What happened?

The rich man just needed to give One Ruble to practice giving.

(Based on a story I heard about Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev.)

I've correlated this to decluttering the Power of One.

One thing leads to another once you start. The point is just START.

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