Secondhand- Pre-owned; having been used in the past by someone else.
A secondhand item can also be new/never-used but considered secondhand because it was pre-owned. It can also be like-new/excellent condition. Good condition. Fair condition. Or poor condition.
Vintage- Vintage items are much younger than antiques. These pieces are typically defined as being at least 20 years old but less than 100 years old.
Antique- Antiques are items which must be at least 100 years old.
Inexpensive versus Cheap- Both adjectives mean “low cost.” However, in reference to the price of something, cheap can have negative connotations. Besides “low cost,” cheap can also mean “low quality”.
People have different perspectives of what is expensive or inexpensive. “I'm looking for a bookcase under $60” is more specific than “I'm looking for an inexpensive bookcase.”
Appraisal Value- Appraised value is a professional judgment of an item's worth, which may not correspond to its actual market value or selling price.
Things are appraised for insurance purposes.
Appraisal Value is not what things sell for in the secondhand market.
Something is worth only what a buyer is willing to pay for it. To the buyer, the price is the cost of the item plus the cost of relocating it.
Sentimental Value- the value of something to someone because of personal or emotional associations rather than material worth.
An item needs to be priced objectively based on what it is. One's sentimental attachments do not increase the value of an item.
Hence, secondhand does not mean inexpensive or “cheap”. It will be less than paying retail, which to some may be “inexpensive” but as mentioned, people have different definitions and viewpoints.
A couch for $500 may be a fantastic price for someone given that the retail price for the item is $2000. While another person is looking in the price range of $200 so the $500 is too much. It’s a matter of perspective.